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Click anywhere in canvas to start with level 1, OR
Press any key from [1] to [9] to start with specific level
move forward move backward rotate left    rotate right   
[spacebar] A
attack special attack (5 energy)
Your hitpoints is shown at the top right corner. It is deducted when your space ship collides with asteroids or another spaceship, and can be restored by collecting hearts dropped by asteroids by chance.
Your energy bars is shown at the top left corner. After an asteroid is destroyed, you are able to collect the debris created to increase your energy points for special attack.
Each time you level up, you will be challenged by a enemy spaceship. The higher the level, the stronger the asteroids and other spaceships are. Higher level asteroids and enemy spaceship moves faster, a higher level enemy spaceship also aims at the player with higher accuracy.
Click anywhere in canvas to pause the game at anytime, click again to resume.
Game over
The game ends when you have no hitpoints left. To restart the game, click anywhere in the canvas, then you can click again or press the one of the number keys to start the game.
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